Wednesday, February 22, 2012


Some people wonder why I ever went to New York, others wonder why I would ever leave. Well there were many reasons why I went:  for John - he had an amazing opportunity that couldn't be passed up, something new and exciting, a once in a lifetime experience, to grow in my career, the weather changes - yes including the snow, the shopping, the fantasy that I read about in books :).

Lady Liberty

While living there, we took the stinky subway. Had mice in our apartment. Paid a ridiculous amount of money for a 400 square foot studio. Paid a ridiculous amount of money for a box of cereal. Walked really fast. Did not smile, nor look, at anyone. Heard a man urinate in the subway station. Met a woman who walked her cat up to Shake Shack. Walked up stairs, and stairs, and more stairs, and broken escalators...

Please note the very new and updated loud speaker found in a NY Subway station.

...but we also met the most amazing people, some of who are now our lifelong friends. Ate delicious food. Went to Central Park every single night. Played in leaves. Played in snow! Shopped at Trader Joe's. Saw famous people. Went to the Top of the Rock and saw the entire city from an unbelievable view. Sat in the Legend Suite at Yankee Stadium - with a free buffet, candy, drinks, tvs in the bathroom.....


Legend Suite of Yankee Stadium!

YUM, the best sushi at Hillstone

Our first snowfall


" your in New York, concrete jungle..."

Cobie and I on the right, one of my favorite pictures

Shopping in the city!
Living in Manhattan is now a part of me. It was an experience that I will never forget. I learned so much while living there, and so much about myself. So, am I happy we left? Yes. But am I happy that we went? YES!

1 comment:

  1. Ahaha. I love that one of your favorite pictures includes John's fingertip in the top left portion of the pic! Hilarious!
